Construct a sturdy base using our aggregate products to help ensure the longevity of your project. Our sand is ideal for masonry projects and using as landscape bedding. View our many aggregate options and contact us for more information.
Aggregate: Limestone Screenings, Gravel, and Sand

Sand should be used as a bedding course for interlocking pavers and is excellent for mixing masonry products.
Available in: 66 lbs bag, ½ yard, full yard and dump truck quantities.

Granular A 7/8"
Granular A is a sand and gravel mix that provides excellent drainage and reduces frost action when used as a base material. This materially should be used underneath interlocking stone and retaining walls.
Available by: ½ yard, full yard and dump truck quantities.

Clear Stone ¾"
Clear stone is ideal for backfilling retaining walls and any other areas where proper drainage is required.
Available by: ½ yard, full yard and dump truck quantities.

River Rock 2-4"
River rock is a 2-4" round stone which is excellent for landscaping projects.
Available by: ½ yard, full yard and dump truck quantities.

Limestone Screenings
Limestone screenings can be used as a base material for a variety of projects.
Available in: 50lbs bag, ½ yard, full yard and dump truck quantities.

High Performance Bedding (HPB) ¼"
HPB provides superior drainage and compaction when used as an aggregate base. This product is an excellent option for using underneath natural stone.

Pre-mix Gravel
Pre-mix gravel is a great choice for making concrete.