Now that you’ve finished your outdoor living space, don’t forget how your newly discovered extension of your surroundings will look in the evening when you’re entertaining friends or just relaxing with your family.
By adding the touch of a natural burning flame to your indoor or outdoor environment, it can dramatically change the mood or ambience of your special occasion, and keep your guest’s fond memories of their experience at your home warm and alive until you meet again. Various restaurants, hotels and resorts have used this timeless technique to create a warm and inviting atmosphere to enjoy dinner, drinks or conversation with friends and family in casual and relaxing moments spent together.
You can add warmth and character to your home by illuminating the stone and plantings in your patio, garden or pool area with the flicker of natural flame. The dancing flame’s warm, soft light and the shadows it casts will enhance your surroundings and help to replicate the mood and ambience that humans have long enjoyed with their friends and families for centuries in front of an open flame as a focal point.
Whether you’re in the surroundings of your outdoor kitchen, fireplace or simply enjoying dinner with guests at your patio table the addition of candles, hurricane lamps, Tiki torches or soft patio lighting solutions have added years of enjoyment and ways to extend people’s time together well into the evening hours during the coming summer months spent in the outdoors.
One idea for creating the timeless and natural look of an open flame is the Tempest Torch™ - a dramatic decorative outdoor gas lamp now available in an attractive new indoor/outdoor tabletop model that breaks the traditional barriers of standard torch design. This unit creates a natural venturi effect, causing a unique flame to spiral and dance within the tempered glass walls without the use of electricity! It burns safely over a few hours with the use of an affordable ethanol-based gel (similar to fuel used for chafing dishes or warming trays).
Alternatively, plumbed-in models can be connected to existing natural gas or propane sources and added to outdoor surroundings by being incorporated into pillars or as sconces on an outside wall to light gathering areas.
Created as a decorative outdoor lighting furnishing for a wide array of exterior settings and applications, including landscape lighting, it is designed to create the ultimate in lighting enhancement. The display possibilities are nearly endless; outdoor living space lighting, home, retail or business store front lighting, lighting as walkway pillars, pool area lighting, mounted onto portable bases, or featured on an exterior wall or entry for general outdoor lighting.
It comes in two versions: a very easy manual light system as a tabletop model (which can be used outdoors or indoors in well-ventilated areas) or an electronic ignition version that allows multiple units to be turned on/off by the flip of a light switch or can be tied into your home's automated lighting system.